
There is good evidence that a whole foods plant based diet will reduce the incidence and slow the progression of the most common cancers, including: bowel, breast and prostate cancers. Increased vegetable intake has also been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer and lung cancer. This knowledge is intended to help you prevent the growth of cancer and should in no way be used as an explanation as to why you, or anyone else developed cancer. We do not recommend that a plant based diet replace conventional treatment, rather it should be used alongside conventional treatment.

Besides anecdotal reports of individual cancer remissions, there is evidence that lifestyle changes can slow the progression of cancer and increase survival rates. Dr Dean Ornish (2005) showed that intensive lifestyle intervention, including a plant based diet, controlled the progression of low-grade prostate cancer. Dr Michael Greger discusses the study in this video: Cancer Reversal Through Diet? Survival following treatment for breast cancer has been well studied. Higher intakes of saturated fats from animal products are associated with reduced survival whereas high fibre intakes from plant foods are protective.

Animal protein is the elephant in the room in relation to diet and cancer. The evidence linking animal protein to cancer does not sit comfortably with our long-standing paradigm that places high protein meat and dairy foods at the centre of our diet. Dr T. Colin Campbell has been a world-renowned researcher in this area for over forty years.  He describes milk protein, casein as the most relevant chemical carcinogen ever identified. See his talk Animal Protein — Meat and Dairy — Cause Cancer  (45 mins):

There is a wealth of resources regarding the links between diet and cancer. We have tried to select some of the best and most significant but the list is by no means complete.




Web resources

Peer-reviewed articles


Specific cancers

  • Breast Cancer
  • Colon Cancer (under construction)
  • Prostate Cancer (under construction)

Success stories

Page created 21 January 2013
Last updated 21 April 2022 (resources)